ZCTU blasts Chinese employers over rampant abuses

By Own Correspondent

ZIMBABWE Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) commemorated the June 6 disaster on the back of calls for authorities to put in place measures aimed at minimizing workplace casualties.

The event is held in remembrance of 427 miners who lost their lives in 1972, as a result of a methane gas explosion in Hwange Kamandama mine shaft number 2.

This remains the worst workplace accident to date in this country hence it serves as a sad reminder on the importance of Occupational Safety and Health.

The disaster could have been avoided had the Mine invested in robust Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems hence our theme this year seeks to amplify the importance of OSH management systems and foster the preventive culture.

 In a statement to mark the event, ZCTU president Florence Taruvinga implored the government and industry to put in place proactive measures to maximize workers safety.

“As we commemorate this event today, our clarion call to the government and captains of industry is that we need a holistic approach to eradicate workplace accidents. We continue to note disturbing accidents largely owing to employers’ disregard of workplace safety protocols and procedures.

“Chinese employers and the worst culprits in this regards and as we are gathered today we recorded a workplace fatality and several injuries when a Chinese shot at employees over a dispute,” she said.

She said they are setting the wrong precedencies and their conduct in terms of violating OSH practices is becoming a menace.

Clear examples given include the violation of workers’ rights in the mining sector which has been witnessed at Redwing Mine where several fatalities were recorded last year. Prospect Lithium Mine and Bikita Minerals were also beamed on the back of OSH violations ranging from inhuman ablution facilities, substandard accommodation to inadequate PPE.

“Noting these violations and apparent laxity to hold the Chinese to account, we are calling on the Zimbabwe government to put in place strong institutional and legislative reforms to arrest OHS violations. We need capacitation of the Inspectorate department in the Ministry of Labour and intensification of workplace inspections by the National Social Security Authority inspectorate department,” she said.

The ZCTU leader called on the government to ratify ILO convention 187/2006 on the promotional framework for occupational safety and health and there is also urgent need to recognize and adopt the ILO governing body resolutions which seeks to enhance application of international occupational health and safety standards and greater implementation of these rights in national legislation and practice.

 Taruvinga said there is need to encourage greater recognition, as well as adherence, for the rights set out in the Conventions, such as the need to consult workers and union representatives, the right to refuse unsafe work, and also unlock increased resources for occupational health and safety; and inclusion of OSH issues in trade agreements and multilateral arrangements.

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