Two musketeers have ruined Zimbabwe!

THAT Mugabe is gone is no longer news but the drama surrounding his burial will remain news for some time. When the old man passed on, Chigumura was taking a  sabbatical, but that does not stop Chigumura from making a comment.

The old man was something else. He was stubborn in life as well as in death. On the day he died a very cold spell (literary) engulfed the country. The same when he was buried in his rural home of Zvimba and Zimbabweans, being superstitious, Zimbabweans said it was a bad omen. But the hullaballoo around his burial had everyone at attention. It was straight from an African movie!  The old man had said he did not want to be buried at the Heroes Acre but at his rural home in Zvimba because he did not want his tormentors to speechifying over his dead body. If there is anything that Zimbabweans agreed on was that Mugabe should be buried at Heroes Acre because he was literary forcing others to be buried there despite their refusal. He even taunted the late MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai that he was free to look for his anthill to bury his own heroes.

There is no doubt that the man died a bitter man. He wanted to die while he was still on the throne. He was bitter with President Mnangagwa for removing him from office and he never forgave him until death. Adieu RGM. There is no doubt you left a legacy of bad governance, state brutality and intolerance. We thought the country would be better off without you, but hey enters Scarfmore….

TALKING of Mnangagwa, things are getting tough for Scarfmore and he seems to have no aorta of idea of what to do. His promises of a better Zimbabwe and improved economy are getting hollow by the day. He is now sounding more like a broken record and so is his most trusted lieutenant,  Finance and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube. Everything is not going according to plan for these two musketeers. Inflation is back where it was in 2008. They have even put an embargo on publicising inflation figures, just like what happened in the Mugabe era. Although this time around goods are available in shops, they are way beyond the reach of Zimbabweans. The Zimbabwean dollar is slowly becoming a worthless paper, that is if you can get it. There is no electricity, there is no water and the cost of medicines is beyond belief. Everything has gone haywire!

When professor Ncube was appointed Minister, Chigumura made a point that it will not work and definitely it has not worked. I gave a comparison to the appointment ‘the technocrat’ Ariston Chambati during Mugabe’s era that did not work. Well known for failing to run a bank, Professor Ncube, who seems good at graphs, promised heaven on earth to Zimbabweans, but not when you are working under Zanu PF. This is the reality check in Zimbabwe. You have to do it the Zanu PF way.  Zanu PF is a party that is concerned more with holding on to power than a prosperous Zimbabwe. There are sharks in Zanu PF that are untouchable and decision makers. The Guptas of Zimbabwe. For instance, when the good Prof came in, he was promising that the country would the  use American dollar, but once he was in government, he found out that there are sharks who are benefiting from the Zimbabwean dollar. These are the people who have their runners at every corner around the cities buying foreign currency. They have access to cash from the banks. These are the real owners of Zimbabwe. 

Everywhere you go, there is despair and dejection. People have become powerless. The few brave ones who have tried to express displeasure have been met with brutality. Trade union leaders have been cowed and threatened. Bullets have been sent to their homes and workplaces with death threats. They have also been threatened with rape to their families. This is the New dispensation for you! The two musketeers have ruined Zimbabwe.

I repeat Mnangagwa and Mthuli have ruined Zimbabwe!

I am out of here!

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