Soft Drink Manufacturing Workers Union (SDMWU) was disaffiliated from Food Federation and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (FFAWUZ) following non-payment of affiliation fees since 2015. FFAWUZ is the Federation of Food Unions in Zimbabwe and each affiliate according to the Constitution pays 60% of its income to FFAWUZ as its monthly affiliation fees.

THE Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is greatly disturbed by the government’s lack of seriousness in resolving its dispute with the striking doctors. The continued strike by the doctors is causing untold suffering and unnecessary death of ordinary Zimbabweans as the strike has paralyzed operations at state-run hospitals.

ZCTU holds women’s rights symposium

The ZCTU has held a Women’s Rights Symposium to sensitise working women on their rights, analyse current challenges and assess the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on marginalised social groups.

The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) has reviewed upwards pension payouts following an outcry over the meagre stipends the authority was dishing out to the majority of pensioners.

The late Lovemore Matombo

The labour movement in Zimbabwe was robbed of an illustrious trade unionist Lovemore Motombo who died on the 27th of January 2020 in Harare. Matombo served in various capacities in the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions where he served as Vice President in the mid 1980's and at the helm as president from 2001–2011.

The broke Zimbabwe government is eyeing workers' funds stashed in private pension schemes and the National Social Security Authority to service its foreign debts as it seeks to beat the April 2016 deadline it set for promised to international financial institutions.
