Chamisa says workers must give a hand in resolving polls dispute

By Own Correspondent

OPPOSITION leader Adv. Nelson Chamisa has called on the country’s workers to play a part in resolving the country’s August 2023 polls dispute.

He made the remarks in a statement to mark the May 1 commemoration where he underscored that workers aspirations can only be achieved upon realisation of a free country.

“Workers deserve the freedom to freely choose a government that serves them, making the resolution of August 2023 disputed elections a crucial step towards recognizing workers’ rights.

“Collectively, we must resolve the broken politics, disputed elections and contested presidential office. An unelected government is unable and incapable of responding effectively to workers’ demands. For this reason, an unelected and illegitimate administration is indeed a burden on the nation, particularly the workers” he said.

He said citizens must all be committed to resolving the political crisis and strive towards a new inclusive Zimbabwe where the dreams and aspirations of every working person can be realised.

The trailblazing politician who remains a beacon of hope for the majority of the country’s struggling citizens said 80% of the working population is unemployed.

Chamisa said strikingly, 3,5 million youths are unemployed while 7,9 million people live in extreme poverty with the majority living below the poverty datum line of US$575, while average wages at US$275 fall short of meeting basic needs.

He said the current tax thresholds, starting at US$100, leave little to support families, where a basket of basic goods is six times higher than the minimum wage.

“Every worker deserves to thrive in an inclusive Zimbabwe where everyone has access to fair and dignified employment opportunities and a balanced work environment. In a New Great Zimbabwe; our citizens' government will put decent work agenda at the heart of our labour market policies.

“We will elevate the Tripartite Negotiation Forum (TNF) from the current talk show status to the prime policy formulation platform. No public policy will be implemented without passing through the TNF,” he said.

Chamisa said the idea of an inclusive Zimbabwe free from poverty, corruption and oppression where the fruits of labour shall translate into economic progress for all where every family shall have the chance to prosper, and the benefits of hard work shall enrich the entire nation.

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