Destiny Electronics (Pvt) Ltd threatens to retrench employees following the Designated Agent of the National Employment Council for the Electronics Communications, Radio and TV Manufacturing and Allied Industry Boniface Madziwabende’s recent order that the employer should pay employees June, July and August salaries in full.

According to the general secretary of the National Union of Metal and Allied Industries in Zimbabwe (NUMAIZ) Henry Tarumbira, employees of Destiny Electronics (Pvt) Ltd which is a provider of national electrical code, information technology, telecommunication products and services to business and individuals, had approached NUMAIZ their workers union alleging that their employer had deliberately paid them salaries for the period covering June, July and August which were far below the NEC gazetted minimums.

NUMAIZ referred the matter to the National Employment Council for remedy where the designated agent ordered that the employer should pay employees their salaries in accordance with the sector’s stipulated minimums, a decision which irritated Destiny Electronics (Pvt) Ltd.

‘‘We will pay employees their salaries in full, but we will retrench simply because we are unable to sustain the wage bill as the business environment is no longer viable,’’ the General Manager of Destiny Electronics (Pvt) Limited David Esterbrook said.

‘‘As employees’ representatives we are not moved by retrenchment threats from the employer. If Destiny cannot pay employees minimum salaries provided by the NEC there is a provision which allows her to apply for exemption,’’ Tarumbira said.

‘‘What is wrong is for the employer to unilaterally decide to underpay employees without following relevant provisions,’’ he added.

Tarumbira told The Worker publication that Destiny Electronics which was known as Philips Electronics before changing its name in 2004 had a workforce of 15 employees which comprises of managerial and non managerial employees.

‘‘NUMAIZ is well aware that the employer is targeting non managerial employees in its intention to retrench,’’ he went on.

‘‘We cannot stop the employer his retrenchment process but we will fight for our members’ rights,’’ Tarumbira concluded.

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