Unemployment on the rise – Zimstats

By James Mutasa

ZIMBABWE’S national unemployment rate is on the rise slightly moving 1,3% to 890 161 compared to 850 326 recorded in the first quarter as the country’s economic crisis persists.

According to the latest Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency (ZimStat) figures, Zimbabwe is facing an unabated economic crisis characterised by high informality spurred by retrenchments and company closures, a weakening local currency and widespread poverty.

The 2024 Third Quarter Labour Force Survey Report, ZimStat revealed that the working age population now stands at 8 580 007, a slight drop from 8 616 968 recorded in the first quarter.

The labour force stands at 4 086 152 with labour force participation rate 47,6%.

According to ZimStat data, Harare had the highest employment-to-population ratio out of all provinces, standing at 49,6%, followed by Bulawayo at 44,8%.

Youth not in education, employment or training (NEET) thus 15-35 years stood at 49,5%

Labour has questioned the unemployment rate citing high informality and lack of decent work therefore putting the rate of informality above 84 percent.

The ZCTU has been pushing government to expedite the formalisation of the informal economy and to create decent work standards in the informal economy to cushion workers from the harsh economic climate.

The formalisation strategy seeks to push informal enterprises to create better paying jobs that offer adequate social protection.   

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