Will ZBC end “sexdom” workplace culture?

By Own Correspondent

PRESSURE is piling on state broadcaster ZBC to urgently set the record straight by bringing closure and justice to the numerous sexual harassment cases rocking the institution which has seen top officials being accussed of demanding sexual favours from subordinates.

An audio of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)’s director of radio services Robson Mhandu asking for sexual favours from a female subordinate in order to facilitate her transfer has been leaked.

In the leaked audio recording, Mhandu is herd having a conversation with Farai Juliet Magada, also known as Farie Jules.

In the leaked audio, Mhandu is heard conversing with Magada, informing her that unless she complies with his demands, he will ensure her return to Bulawayo.

Farie Jules asks that if she puts in the work will that be enough for her to stay in Harare to which Mhandu responds by insisting that it would not be sufficient. He insists on a physical relationship with her. In the leaked audio Mhandu is heard referring to his Shumba totem, says that he wants to maul her claiming she has become special to him.

Shortly after Mhandu’s scandal, another top official, Power FM station manager, Scott Matengambiri, better known as DJ Scott, was suspended for allegedly demanding a blowjob from a female subordinate.

The events have confirmed years of allegations pointing to the existence of rampant sexual abuse scandals at the state broadcaster.

What has raised more questions than answers are the depths at which such shenanigans are taking place considering that very senior officials who have the task to protect subordinates are the chief perpetrators.

While most stakeholders wait to see how the nasty allegations will be investigated and brought to finality, ZBC has committed to deal with the scandals.

“ We notify our valued stakeholders that we received two cases of sexual harassment reports sometime in September 2023 .To that end ,the ZBC has initiated investigations into the allegations and disciplinary processes are ongoing .Our stakeholders will be notified of the outcomes in due course.

“The corporation notes with concern the allegations levelled against Effort Magoso and Albert Chekayi prevalent in social media .We wish to advise our valued stakeholders that no such reports were ever recorded or received,” said the state broadcaster in a statement.

ZBC added that it has a sexual harassment policy that gives a guide to how matters of this nature are handled .

“In furtherance, training was conducted by the Gender Commission and other partners to all staff members. ZBC are required to adhere to the code of conduct and the corporation has zero tolerance to sexual harassment in the workplace,” added ZBC.

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