Zim ratifies Convention on migrant workers

By Own Correspondent

 ZIMBABWE has joined the league of countries which have ratified the International Convention on Migrant Workers in a development which further strengthens the rights of migrants.

The ratification was done in terms of the country’s constitutional provisions following a motion moved by the Deputy Minister of Public Services, Labour and Social Welfare, Mercy Dinha recently.

“The convention takes into account various UN instruments that promote the observance of basic human rights. One of the objectives of the International Labour Organisation as stated in its constitution is the protection of the interests of workers when employed in countries other than their own, and bearing,” she said.

The Convention is a comprehensive international treaty focusing on the protection of migrant workers’ rights. It emphasizes the link between migration and human rights—a policy topic that is drawing increasing attention worldwide.

 The Convention opens a new chapter in the history of determining the rights of migrant workers and ensuring that those rights are protected and respected. It incorporates the results of over 30 years of discussion, including United Nations human rights studies, conclusions and recommendations of meetings of experts, and debates and resolutions in the United Nations on migrant workers.

 Like all other international human rights instruments, the Convention sets standards for the laws and the judicial and administrative procedures of individual States. Governments of States that ratify or accede to the Convention undertake to apply its provisions by adopting the necessary measures

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