The Worker is the voice of the labour movement in Zimbabwe. Before going digital, it was initiated in 1988 as an alternative voice for the workers in Zimbabwe after the then government, in an effort to suppress growing voices of dissent, imposed a media blackout on all Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) activities and instructed the public media to report negatively on the ZCTU. It was launched in March 1992 following a ZCTU Resolution of 1990, which, among other things, called for establishment of a worker’s newspaper to air the views of the ZCTU after relations between the government and ZCTU had soured, and the trade union movement was not getting any publicity from the then largely controlled state media.
Before going digital, the publication has been published monthly, covers labour, political, economic, social and, sport issues in Zimbabwe. It is targeted at the general population in Zimbabwe, but mainly targeted at the more than 200 000 members of the various affiliates of the ZCTU.
Code of conduct
The Worker subscribes to a code of conduct that promotes truthful, accurate, fair and balanced reporting.
Editorial Staff
Last Tarabuku – EDITOR –
Admore Marambanyika – Senior Journalist –
Patience Jongwe – Librarian –
Bula dinor 000x Wu
Bula dinor 000x Wu
Yo, what's good? I'm stoked to chill with you...
Yo, what's good? I'm stoked to chill with you...