NYANGA - Village Inn Hotel has successfully applied for judicial management with the High Court in a move the company said would protect it from its major creditors after failing to service them citing viability constraints.

Strolling up and down Marondera sleepy streets gets lovely when you spot a healthy looking fifty year old man always in yellow work suit, yellow sunhat or sometimes cap, and yellow shoes, behind a nice tricycle written Marondera Bananas, loaded with large, sweet bananas that highlight a great story about his entire life.

RETRENCHMENTS surged by nearly 40 percent in 2014, with nearly 4,000 workers retrenched across all sectors of the economy as company closures accelerated, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has said.

Wellington Chibebe, the former Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) Secretary General, continued to raise the country's flag high at the international level, earning another four year term as the Deputy General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).
