Marching together in an open for business Zimbabwe

With less than 50 days to go to the make or break harmonized polls, there seems to be chaos in the leading opposition party, the MDC-T, which was still conducting primary elections for some constituencies while the ruling Zanu PF had gone a gear up in campaigning.

That the MDC Alliance was still grappling with the issue of candidates, with some structures of the MDC-T resisting alliance candidates, could spell disaster for the opposition, as a lot of time is being wasted while the ruling party takes its campaign to the people.

It would have been a good thing if the alliance partners stuck to the agreement that they had for the benefit of the nation, which is yearning for change after years of misrule by the Mugabe regime.

It would appear that greed is prevailing over the need to have a better Zimbabwe, with some individuals putting self-interest ahead of the national cause. The same spirit of entitlement which we have accused those in Zanu PF is now manifesting in the opposition, as some believe that the country can only move forward if they are in charge and that only them should be in positions of power.

The demonstration by the opposition over electoral reforms; and the subsequent reactionary solidarity march by Zanu PF proved a point or two on the realities of the politics of this country.

Firstly, it proved that Zanu PF was not capable of mobilizing urbanites without coercing  them and that the huge crowds that we previously saw during the Mugabe era were not willing participants. Secondly, it also proved that people were now fed up with Zanu PF lies.

But most importantly, the march by the MDC Alliance, which was also joined by other opposition political parties, proved that Zimbabweans were united for change and were prepared to protect their vote, which for many years has been stolen.

The Zimbabwe is open for business mantra has been a topical issue over the past few days. But what exactly does ED mean when he says we are open for business.   But what does this “open for business” mean for the workers of this country.

While investment is good for the country and creates jobs, we should be wary of the type of jobs that this “open for business” mantra will bring to the country. It would appear that government is so desperate to attract investment that it would sacrifice workers’ rights to incentivize investors.

It is important to ensure that the investment that we bring into the country does not compromise the rights of workers in any way. There are various other incentives that can be given to investors than giving away the rights of workers.


Zimbabwean courts were yet to make a ruling on the matter in which Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe are fighting over the name and symbols of the MDC, with just a few days before the sitting of the nomination court.

It is clear that the judiciary is deliberately delaying justice in order to cause confusion within the ranks of the opposition. It does not need a rocket scientist to tell that this matter should be treated with urgency, but the courts have chosen to take their time despite the fact that this issue should have been resolved before nomination day to enable the parties to submit their respective symbols to the electoral commission.

It is not a secret that the judiciary in this country is heavily compromised and will do everything in its power to help maintain the status quo.

So former President Robert Mugabe defied parliament and refused to appear before the parliamentary committee on mines and energy. We have it on good authority that the Mnangagwa regime was actually blocking the nonagenarian from giving evidence to parliament for fear that he would “spill the beans” and expose those in government who are responsible for plundering the country’s resources.

The First Border Jumper

There is a Shona proverb that goes like “Kugocha kunoda kwaamai, kwemwana kunodzima moto” which when loosely translated might mean that some animals are more equal than others. That is exactly the story of President Mnangagwa and former Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere.

Mnangagwa skipped the country’s border, his security beating up a police officer at the Forbes border post as they forcefully crossed into Mozambique after he had been fired by Mugabe from both the government and Zanu PF. He claimed his life was in danger and he had to leave by any means necessary. We hear he walked  hundreds of kilometres in snake infested forests on his way to safety.

He was later to come back and claim the country’s presidency, and nobody arrested him for skipping the border.

Then Kasukuwere was to also skip the country and we understand he was together with his erstwhile colleague in Zanu PF ‘s G40 formation, Jonathan Moyo after the military had launched Operation Restore Legacy. It is still not clear how they sneaked out of the country, but Moyo claims they were aided by some angels.

Kasukuwere was to return home this month after more than six months in self- exile; only to be charged with Border Jumping.

The big question is; if Kasukuwere could be arrested and charged with illegally skipping the country, why was ED not also arrested…after all, he was not yet the President of the country and could not claim immunity. Your guess is as good as mine.

And finally, we hear that ZEC has announced that the Presidential Election results will only be announced five days after the polls.  Why it would take the electoral body such a long time to announce results which would have been counted already and posted at polling stations remains a mystery.

This is enough to raise fears  that ZEC is up to no good and might attempt to temper with the results as what happened in the 2008 elections when it manipulated the vote in favor of the ruling Zanu PF.

But then, it is up to the ED administration to decide how the international world views them…besides, it is ED who is yearning for legitimacy after wrestling power from Mugabe through a coup….

So anything short of a free, fair and credible election will be shooting themselves in the foot….

I rest my case….

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