National labour migration policy on the cards

By Alois Vinga 

Following the recent approvals by the cabinet social partners will soon launch the National Labour Migration Policy which will clarify procedures on the handling of migrant issues.

The policy was crafted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in collaboration with International Organisation for Migration and the tripartite partners - Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare; Employers’ Confederation of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU).

 “The aim of the policy is to promote good governance in labour migration; ensure effective regulation of labour migration; empower and protect labour migrants against abuses, malpractice and exploitation; promote the welfare of labour migrants’ families; and ultimately, maximize the benefits of labour migration for development,” reads the policy in part.  

ZCTU’s Michael Kandukutu who is representing labour in the crafting of the policy, told The Worker that the policy is now going through final touch ups.

“The policy which is still in draft form is currently going through the final phases of finalisation through stakeholder input by stakeholders representing the social partners. It will soon be launched by President Emmerson Mnangagwa once this phase has been completed,” he said.  

In a recent communique released by social partners soon after convening a workshop on the policy , chief director in the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Clifford Matorera speaking on behalf of the Permanent Secretary emphasized the need to finalise the review of the policy in order to protect labour migrants and to promote national development.

Another key stakeholder,  Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe, Executive Director,  Nester Mukwehwa highlighted that the policy presents an opportunity for Zimbabwe to develop relevant and appropriate guidelines on addressing key challenges on labour migration.

 She also reiterated that a collective approach was commendable, as it strengthened tripartism and economic development.

If implemented, the newly approved Labour Migration Policy is expected  to promote much safer migration and allow migrant workers to contribute to growth and development in their countries of destination, while countries of origin greatly benefit from their remittances and the skills acquired during their migration experience.

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