Steel Centre International recently paid compensation for the loss of employment to an unfairly dismissed employee Malvern Kangara, following intervention from the National Union of metal and Allied Industries in Zimbabwe (NUMAIZ).

Steel Center International and NUMAIZ agreed to an out of court settlement where the employer opted to pay Kangara 2 weeks’ salary for every year served.

 ‘‘I am writing to inform you that Steel Centre International is currently undergoing a restructuring process to adapt to the current market conditions. Unfortunately, this means that we will be reducing our workforce to ensure company’s sustainability,’’ reads part of the dismissal letter written by the Director of Steel Centre Brian Chiduuro.

‘‘Regrettably,’ went on Chiduuro, ‘this decision affects your position with us. We appreciate the skills and contributions you brought to our team during your time with us. However, we cannot continue to employ you at this time due to our current financial constraints.’’

Irked by the decision of Steel Centre, Kangara sought assistance from NUMAIZ who in turn engaged the employer requesting for either reinstatement or compensation for loss of employment. Because the precepts of the law were not followed, the attempt to lay him off would thus be futile, argued NUMAIZ before added that, ‘‘we thus submit that you either reinstate him without loss of salary and benefits or pay him cash in lieu of reinstatement.’’

 ‘‘Sometimes it is necessary to settle matters on our own without involving the courts. One of our objectives as a union is to promote harmony and democracy at the workplace,’ said James Nesvinga the 2nd Deputy General Secretary of NUMAIZ.

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