Zanu-PF’s theory of diversion

Zanu-PF’s theory of diversion

Welcome to the year 2020. How time flies and how things remain the same! Noone would begrudge Chigumura by saying there is no difference between today's rulers and that of yesteryear.

To be precise, Mugabe's era. Today's rulers are worse. They were Mugabe's enforcers and they learnt their lessons well. They do not hesitate to point a gun at you (of cause at 45 degrees) something unheard of during Mugabe's era!

Talking about rulers, what a way to start 2020 with all the soap opera from (mis)ruling Zanu PF's youths league bosses. In an attempt to divert us from the maladministration of the country by the dinosaurs from Shake Shake building, the Lewis Matutus and Godfrey Tsenengamus claimed to have all of sudden discovered that this country is captured by cartels. What a discovery after 40 years of Zanu PF (mis)rule.

To them it was a scoop to discover that Sakunda owner and business mogul Kudakwashe Tagwirei is one of the cartel master. The Zanu PF youths talked about corruption as if they have just discovered it, patriotism and a lost generation; all this as if its first hand information to Zimbabwe. Zimbabweans were all glued to the television and social media in awe. When they were 'suspended' from the party and directed that they undergo 'ideological' training at Zanu PF's Hebert Chitepo School of Ideology, the youths leaders even vowed not to attend.

Chigumura as usual, was sceptical. Zanu PF is good at sideshows. Something was brewing. The two musketeers thought they had Zimbabweans spell bound by their theatrics. They even tried to organise a conference on corruption and tried to hoodwink everyone, including the MDC into their nefarious acts.

This time Zimbabweans refused to buy such bull dust and when party political commissar Victor Matemadanda called them to order, they all recanted and went back into their shells. They even agreed to go the Hebert Chitepo School of Ideology. That is Zanu PF for you! Zanu PF is a cult once you are in it you will find it difficult to exit. Zvigure chaizvo. As if that was not enough! Enter the Prosecutor General Kumbirai Hodzi admitting that the state is captured by cartels. That admission by the prosecuting office tells a lot. No meaningful prosecutions would be held for corruption and other economic crimes. It would be the usual catch and release as the soap opera seasons unfold. Chigumura has to confess that he has always had a soft spot for the MDC-T President Thokozani Khupe. This is primarily because of her trade union back ground. She rose from being an ordinary worker in the railways, joined the Zimbabwe Amalgamated Railwaymen Union and then her role in the ZCTU General Council. As a single mother, she worked hard, went to school and acquired a doctorate degree. That was an amazing achievement that any person would applaud.

But somehow I get a sense that there is something missing in her brain called common sense. Where the hell does she think she is going with her MDC-T? Has her hatred of Nelson Chamisa clouded her mind to such an extent that she does not see beyond her nose? Surely by santitizing such platforms like Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD), she has dug her political grave.

POLAD is seen by every right thinking Zimbabwean as President Emmerson Mnangagwa's plan to bring under his armpit troublesome opposition. It is composed of people like Lovemore Madhuku who do not hide their bitterness over Nelson Chamisa. Even her best friend Obert Gutu has seen that he is going nowhere with MDC-T and POLAD. Its time Dr Khupe smells the coffee.

Lastly, Chigumura would like to pass condolence messages to the Matombo family following the death of a trade union stalwart comrade Lovemore Matombo. Comrade Matombo was at one time Vice President of ZCTU in 1985 before emerging again to be the ZCTU President from 2001 to 2011. A true pan Africanist and socialist, he led from the front. He was arrested several times and tortured by the Robert Mugabe regime. I remember him for spending long hours talking about Karl Max. We ended up giving him the nickname “dialectical materialism'.

Fare thee well Mastones!

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