SDMWU expelled from FFAWUZ


Soft Drink Manufacturing Workers Union (SDMWU) was disaffiliated from Food Federation and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe (FFAWUZ) following non-payment of affiliation fees since 2015. FFAWUZ is the Federation of Food Unions in Zimbabwe and each affiliate according to the Constitution pays 60% of its income to FFAWUZ as its monthly affiliation fees.

The decision was made by   the Central Executive Committee during its  constitutional meeting on the 11th  of January 2020 at  FFAWUZ Head office.

Asked for comment the FFAWUZ GS said “yes the its painful to lose membership but at the same time as a union we have to religiously follow our constitution both in spirit and practise ,   the decision was inspired and motivated by Section 5(6;1) (ii) of the FFAWUZ Constitution which spells out that….Failure to pay monthly subscriptions for three consecutive months without reasonable excuse. "

However despite the union being disaffiliated because of none payment of subscriptions it is still reliable to the payment of outstanding affiliation fees in terms of the constitution  section 5(6;1)(vii) which states that "Upon such termination of membership by whatever means, the affiliate Union(s) Shall be indebted for all outstanding dues  up to the date of termination ". according to the NEC resolution the Federation had already initiated legal proceedings to recover the outstanding subscriptions.

Commenting on the effects of the decision to the ordinary Union members the General Secretary Mr Dzimiri said “it’s unfortunate and a pity that the Constitutional decision made by CEC affects Soft Drink members whom we think are innocent to this matter. We observed that Soft Drink manufacturing workers union is an Oligarch organization hence we are appealing to the members that they must regroup themselves and choose Leadership with workers at heart, loyal, focused and Committed and rejoining FFAWUZ-ZCTU. Thus the Only Union in Food industry recognized nationally, regionally and globally.”

However the SDMWU President Karipache did not respond to calls for his comment over the disaffiliation.

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